Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I Am Not The Wind...

I am not the wind
I am not the sun
I am not the moon

I am not the Earth Mother
I am not the mother bear
I am not only Mother

I am not a tornado

I am not a hurricane

I am not a storm

I am not a dandelion

I am not a rose
I am not a garden

I am not a porcelain doll
I am not débutante
I am not the princess

I am not the meek
I am not the strong
I am not the aware

I am not my clothes
I am not my shoes
I am not my nails

I am not my hair
I am not my breasts
I am not my ass

I am not the chain around your neck
I am not the guardian at the gate
I am not the browbeaten

I am not the protester
I am not the victim
I am not the pain

I am not the chef
I am not the maid
I am not the chauffeur

I am not the weekend girl
I am not the Tuesday night gal
I am not the whispered secret

I am not red lips
I am not painted nails
I am not rouged cheeks

I am not the dancing queen
I am not the raging bitch
I am not the soft-spoken friend

I am not yours
Nor yours
Nor yours

I am mine
I am the world
I am all and nothing
I am everything in between
I am a woman...

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