With only a few more chapters of the book left to write into the first draft I am getting more and more excited to see the words "The End". You can not rush to the end though. You still have to put the time and focus into the story and make sure you are giving each chapter it's worthy thought. These chapters are the most intense for action and consequences. These chapters are the climax of the long story I have been telling about my characters.
With a new job and a new baby in the house though it is hard to get too engrossed into the intensity of the story. I have to work and when my baby makes the cutest faces in the world I have to snuggle her and play with her. Writing those intense scenes though often take great concentration. This is hard to achieve when your seven month old baby girl sees you writing and wants to eat the paper or steal the pen or sees you typing away on the computer and believes that this is a cool toy that she wants to try and bang on or at least watch her bollywood videos on.
This month has been unusual. I started my new job, as previously stated, where I do so much writing, the technical kind. I also am getting used to a new weekly schedule and commuting in traffic for an hour again. I was out of work for so long that I am grateful for the work, even though I miss my baby girl. At the same time, it is a distraction from focusing on my writing. Additionally, we had very intense presidential elections and, though I will not comment on who I supported, I will say it took me a week to absorb all that intensity. In all the change, newness, and complications that life has brought, I thought about the top distractions of life and then the top ways to deal with those distractions. If I had to pick the top five distractions in my life that pull me away from finishing my book they would be:
1. Work
2. Baby Leah and family time
3. Internet
4. Other writing ideas for blogs or poems
5. Space Cadet Time
Those are my top five distractions that pull me away from finishing Chapter 31 right now. So, how do I deal with these distractions so that I can get back to 1800's Romania with gypsies, curses, and crazy families? The answer, which goes against what many post online everywhere is....I give in to the distraction.
1. Work - I have to work to pay bills and I am not a best selling author...yet. I get up in the morning and make the long commute and do my job and then commute home. At work I get to do a great amount of technical writing so I look at it as an opportunity to grow my abilities as a writing by writing in different formats and styles and for different types of audiences.
2. Baby Leah and family time - I spend time with my family. They are the ones that I love the most and want to spend my time with. Since I work during the day I am limited in how much time I get to spend with my family so I try to soak up and relish what time I can. It may just be sitting there and watching TV with them but I am with them so I am happy.

4. Other writing ideas for blogs or poems - This is a necessity to stop and write them down. If I don't write down the idea or the poem I may forget it. Plus, as a writer this is the continuation of my passion and work. It could give me ideas for my current book or a new story but it is part of the work of an author to give in to other writing ideas. It is important to remember though not to get lost in those ideas and forget about finishing your book.
5. Space Cadet Time - Yes, this sounds crazy. My Dad would shake his head and simply call it Heather's being a space cadet. Sometimes when life is pulling you in so many different directions you need time to just escape into your head and process everything. You need to space out and fly the galaxy even for a moment. It is like hitting refresh on a web page. Everything comes back but it may look or work better. There are times I just need five moments of space cadet time. It helps so that when I enter back into the story that has become action filled and intense I am able to focus more and get lost in horse drawn carriages and gypsy curses and the pain of tripping over long dresses on a dusty road.
The truth is that distractions happen so turn them into actions. Turn your distractions into a way to recharge your battery, relax you mind or stimulate your mind, discover new ideas for stories or plot lines or even blog posts. By thinking of your distractions as actions it may help focus your mind when you are able to set time to write again and not feel frazzled and guilty for time not devoted to your story. You are the author. It is like a loyal puppy. It is waiting for you and will be there when you are ready to sit down and write again.
Happy Distraction! Happy writer!
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