"Did you miss me?"
"I know it has been so long."
"Don't worry though...I am back. I just had to handle life's unsolvable Rubik's cube."
Yes, I went away for a bit, both literally and figuratively. I took a trip in August right after my last post on this blog. I travelled overseas to London and Paris. It was an amazing experience and I even started a new blog about it, http://gypsywriteradventures.blogspot.com/, if you would like to read. As so often happens though when you take two weeks off; you end up playing catch up for your daily life. It was a time that was busy also with major work meetings and obligations followed by personal hurdles and walls that prevented entrance of creativity.
However, today is National Poetry Day. For a writer, and especially one that writes a lot of poetry, this is truly a holiday that must be observed. In this observation I am posting here a poem. In addition, I am following the theme that was prompted by @PoetrydayUK on twitter, which was "Light." I hope you enjoy and there will be another new post next week. I am once again clearing out the cobwebs of my mind and writing, writing, writing.
The Doll Has Taken The Stage
I step onto the stage
The lights so bright
I can’t see you
But I know you are there
My outfit ideal
Pink tutu full, hair pulled back tight, and toes pointed
I get into position
I wait for the cue
I wait for the music to begin its slow rhythm
The first sounds float through the air
I try to move my head in turn to the music
But can not turn or stir
Instead I feel a tug
And my leg goes out
Toes pointed rigid
I feel another tug and my arms rise
And then slowly my head looks up
And I rise on my toes
Spinning round and round
Yet trying to peak
And see your face
Are you delighted?
Do you see me perform for you?
The music picks up pace as I spin
Until finally out of breath
And feeling like I can go no more
I feel the rhythm in my heartbeats
In time to the sounds begin to slow
And I feel another tug
This time I feel my arms raise over my head
And then back down
As I step lightly to the side
So swift, so cute
I can feel the heat from the lights overhead
Their brightness making it impossible
To see the beautiful faces of the audience
Or the one in the crowd
Who I yearn to see
My one light I always want
Shining on me
Finally the music stops
And everyone takes a bow
And feeling another tug
I move to the center of the stage
And pirouette in style
Amid clapping and brava
Finally I see the curtain begin its descent
Until I alone am on the stage
Picturing the other side
I feel arms wrap around me
And lift me up
I am placed on a bed
My hands crossed at my chest
And just as I look up
Into the face of the man
His eyes so dark
His face so intense
My heart beats wildly
Wanting to reach up
Unable to move
Panic setting in
Until I see him put the strings
He tied onto my back on top of my head
And the last sight I see
Before the darkness took hold
Was the lights of the stage
Screaming “The End!”
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